Legendre Construction is positioned as a specialist point of contact in six main civil engineering business areas: industrial civil engineering, environmental engineering, energy, shopping centres, logistics and infrastructure.

Industrial civil engineering

Environmental engineering


Shopping centres


The Group’s Civil Engineering subsidiary is developing its expertise as a designer and builder, and from the design phase onwards is increasingly relying on digital mock-ups and 3D Building Information Modelling (BIM) to develop its projects. This complementary expertise gives Legendre Construction the flexibility to produce tailor-made designs which meet its customers’ expectations as closely possible.

The construction of Rennes Metro gave Legendre Construction the chance to demonstrate its ability to complete major projects. The work helped to bolster the image of our Civil Engineering business, a department based on expertise, technology, a culture of commitment to our responsibilities, and flexibility around our customers’ needs.

Industrial civil engineering
Creating production sites, industrial buildings, offices and more.

Environmental engineering
Creating water treatment plants, waste treatment facilities, recycling centres and more.

Designing and/or constructing biomass boilers, and biomethanation units, substations or energy storage…

Shopping centres
Creating department stores, retail parks and showrooms.

Constructing logistical bases, communications centres and more.

Designing and/or constructing major infrastructure, train and metro stations, maintenance workshops, car parks and more, particularly in urban areas.